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Locking your $OX in Prison

# Learn
# Prison

What is Prison?

  • OX holders can earn passive yield on their OX by depositing it to OX.FUN and locking it in Prison

  • 100% of the fees collected by OX.FUN are distributed between users who lock their OX in Prison

  • The more trade volume & fees collected on OX.FUN - the more yield that will be shared with Prison inmates

How to Lock into Prison?

  • Connect your wallet

  • Deposit $OX to OX.FUN

  • Visit Prison by clicking Prison in the navigation bar at the top of the site or visiting OX.FUN/Prison

Deciding how long to lock

  • Prison Lockers can choose between 4 different jail terms for their OX: 7 days, 30 days, 60 days & 360 days

  • The longer you Lock, the higher your reward weight:

    • Lock for 7 days for 1X reward rate

    • Lock for 30 days for 2X reward rate

    • Lock for 60 days for 5X rewards rate

    • Lock for 365 days for 10X reward rate

  • Decide how much OX you want to Lock in Prison, choose a lockup period & click confirm to Lock your OX

  • Users can have multiple Prison lock periods at the same time - check your lock history, yield & unlock times at the bottom of the Prison page

  • With ~450M OX locked in Prison, the majority of users (88%) have chosen to lock for either 60 days or 365 days

Lock $OX in Prison, receive xOX

  • When you lock OX in Prison your account is credited with the equivalent amount of xOX - xOX is tokenized Locked OX

  • All yield you accrue from Prison is paid daily to your account in xOX and is converted to liquid OX at the end of your Prison lockup

  • xOX can be used as collateral to trade perps on OX.FUN at a 50% Loan to Value (LTV) ratio

  • Once you’ve locked OX in Prison, go to the trading screen and review your collateral balance by clicking the info icon next to where your collateral balance is displayed:


  • You can now have the best of both worlds by earning yield on your OX by staking in Prison and using your Locked OX as collateral to trade on OX.FUN (Show example of placing a trade using xOX as collateral)

See you in big house!